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Join for just £4.95 and save up to £ 3,389.5 this month

How it Works

Bailiwick Premium offers you savings in seconds; here’s how it works...

STEP 1. Take a look through the 100s of great offers available on Bailiwick Premium from our partners.

STEP 2. If you are a Club member, simply click on the offer you want, and you’ll see a QR code. Show that QR code to the team at the offer provider to claim the discount. You can use each offer once a month.

STEP 3. The offer provider will scan the code - and you can enjoy the savings!

For those not using a smart phone you can print your QR code to be redeemed in-store at the point of purchase. If you have any questions or would like to know more please CONTACT US .

Bailiwick Premium is the only offers and promotions membership club available in the Channel Islands that is backed by Bailiwick Express, working with 100s of local business. If you’d like to subscribe to our daily news and classified emails or our weekly JSY WEEKENDER or GSY WEEKENDER email to keep up to date on all the latest offers available on Bailiwick Express as well as the latest events and weekend weather.

Sign up for Bailiwick Premium today for only £4.95. As a Bailiwick Premium member, you are charged once a month on the date you signed up. You have the freedom to cancel online at any time.