Great offers

great savings

great rewards

Join for just £4.95 and save up to £ 3,389.5 this month

Bailiwick Premium brings you £1,000’s of savings every month, so that you can treat yourself, and your family, for less at many of your favourite places to dine, relax, pamper yourself, shop or just enjoy island life. Become a member of Bailiwick Premium now, and enjoy great deals every day. Join for only £4.95 a month with no minimum term, and no cancellation fee - because we know you’ll love saving money doing what you love. 

Join Bailiwick Premium today and benefit from instant savings at point of purchase with our partners. CLICK HERE to check out some of the rewards available and see for yourself the savings you can make by becoming a member.

As part of being a Bailiwick Premium member you'll also be automatically entered to enjoy great rewards and treats on us from time to time, from overnight stays or pampering with our hotel partners to fine dining and shopping sprees. Once you’re a member look out for an email from us on what you could be enjoying on us.

You can also enter our draw for free by simply subscribing to our weekly offers and events email, The Weekender, to sign up for free simply CLICK HERE FOR JSY or CLICK HERE FOR GSY and choose The Weekender email in your subscription.

Here’s some of the great businesses currently working with us…
Every business needs to run promotions and offers from time to time, and when they do they then need to reach the right audience to make those incentives effective.

With Bailiwick Premium businesses can simply run their offers and promotions through us and we’ll take care of all the marketing and advertising. Bailiwick Premium has access to Bailiwick Express’s audience, covering print, online, email and radio advertising to engage everyone in the islands.

If you’d like to find out more visit ‘Become a Partner’ or email to find out more.
Employee benefits are an amazing way to help motivate your staff, improve employee engagement, staff retention and increasing productivity in your organisation. With Bailiwick Premium our goal is to provide your employees with discounts to save and enjoy more of what the island has to offer.

Membership varies based on number of employees, to find out more visit ‘Corporate Membership’ or email to find out more.